Τhe Commercial Director of Hellenic Halyvourgia Athanasios Vossos  pointed out inter alia that of  the five Greek industrial plants for steel production only two are currently operating”,  giving the outline of the crisis that the sector has been facing for the last 10 to 15 years during his speech at the 13th Panhellenic Sales Conference. The Conference was organized by the Hellenic Sales Institute (HSI), on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at the Vmax Sphera Hall of Village Cinemas at The Mall Athens.

With the main theme “Together FORWARD” and through panel discussions, interviews, research presentations and motivational speeches, topics were developed around the changes that have been created in the Greek and global market of the sales industry.

In the discussion coordinated by the main moderator of this year’s conference, Maria Akrivou, Senior Editor Fortune Greece (, the Minister of Development and Investment Adonis Georgiadis, the Vice President and Managing Director of Kotsovolos – Dixons South East Europe Yannis Vasilakos, the Commercial Director of Hellenic Halyvourgia SA Athanasios Vossos, the Commercial Director of Elpedison Stathis Vovos and the Commercial Director of Diageo George Psomiadis participated. “The salesperson is the “heart” of the business and perhaps, the most valuable asset in a commercial enterprise” commented Adonis Georgiadis on the role of a sales executive. “The Hellenic Halyvourgia company is a purely energy-intensive industry, as more than 60% of our costs are energy: mainly electricity and then natural gas”, said Athanasios Vossos. “We have tried as much as possible to contain the increased costs of the last period but again there is an increase in all building materials and certainly steel” he added regarding the increase in material prices in the construction industry.