With an event on July 12, 2022 concerning a generous donation of 135,000 new olive seedlings of the Koroneiki Variety to the growers of the areas around Ancient Olympia, which suffered severe damage from the fire in the summer of 2021, the project “Replanting the Olive Groves of Ancient Olympia” has been completed. The donation was made through initiatives undertaken by the initiator of the project and Honorary President of the American- Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Yiannos Grammatidis, in cooperation with the Arete Fund and the Civil – non-profit association “International Relations of Culture”. The unveiling of the memorial stone of the project, with the olive tree as the central symbol and verses by Elytis, was carried out by the Minister of Development and Investments, Adonis Georgiadis, opposite the Town Hall, where the event took place, while primary and secondary school students, members of the Children’s Choir of the Children’s Creativity Center of Ancient Olympia, under the direction of Ms. Sophia Psara, sang the Olympic Anthem.

At the Town Hall of Ancient Olympia, where the official ceremony for the completion of the project took place, the donors, including the Hellenic Halyvourgia, were awarded, while memorial stone was unveiled and a 250-year-old olive tree was planted in the garden opposite the Town Hall. Hellenic Halyvourgia was represented by the Administrative Director of the company, Mr. Grιgoris Kakanelis.